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You must go to the doctor as soon as possible because your life is at risk, this isn't a joke kidney failure leads to death, your best choice is to take prescribed medicine to prolong your life or ask for kidney transplant

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Q: How would I know if I might get kidney failure?
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If your kidney doesn't function can you get a kidney stone?

If your kidneys don't work, you get very ill, very quickly. Kidney stones are irrelevant in this connection. I have kidney failure and one of the first things that happened to me was I got kidney stones. I don't know if this is typical of kidney failure.

With kidney failure does both kidneys stop or just one?

Kidney's don't fully cease functioning when they fail, but neither are they effective at doing their purpose in the body (cleaning wastes out of the blood stream). Complete kidney failure occurs when both kidneys are incapable of functioning.

Can taking a whole bottle of advil kill you not me i think i know someone just to get that straight?

It could certainly cause liver failure, stomach trauma, bleeding ulcer, kidney failure, etc... Death would not be guaranteed, but it would be a horrible and painful idea. I hope no one would do this.

Did Lloyd Daniels nearly die from kidney failure?

yes he did in the year 2004 . ( this is a different person now . how do we know this is true ? some randomer might have come along and written a load of crap about him ! sorry if it actually is true though !)

You know Barry White died of kidney failure but how did his wife die?

White suffered for years from high blood pressure, which led to kidney failure. At the time of his death he was waiting for a kidney transplant and had also suffered a stroke. ( His wife Glodean White is very much alive. So is his first wife Mary.

What is the Differences between a kidney and a dialysis?

The main difference there would be that a kidney is an organ that helps the body maintain a proper balance of minerals, metabolites and other bodily fluids. Dialysis/a dialysis machine is a procedure/machine that can perform some of the basic functions of the kidneys for people experiencing either temporary or long term renal (kidney) failure. wikipedia has some accurate and in depth pages on both the kidney, and dialysis if you want to know more.

Can dogs drink grape juice?

No grapes should be given to dogs it can be toxic to dogs and cause kidney failure.

Knowing the Signs of Kidney Failure can Save Your Life?

Kidney failure occurs for a number of reasons; an acute situation or a chronic illness can both cause kidney failure. When you are living with a chronic illness and the knowledge that kidney failure is a possibility, it is important that you understand the symptoms and know what signs to look for so that you can seek medical attention immediately. Kidney failure is not a minor medical condition; it is deadly and it can take a life very quickly. Knowing the symptoms can save your life. Unfortunately, when kidney failure begins it is often asymptomatic, which means that it does not produce any symptoms for you to look out for. As the ability to function decreases in the kidney, symptoms will begin to show; the symptoms are good because you know to seek medical assistance immediately, but the fact that you are having symptoms means your kidneys have crossed a point where failure is happening more quickly. You will notice that your body is unable to regulate water and electrolytes, which clear waste from the body. You will become lethargic, weak and short of breath. You may also begin noticing swelling on your body. In addition to these symptoms, other life threatening and unrecognizable symptoms may occur. Your body will begin to shut down due to the increased acidity from the lack of waste being removed from the body; your other organs will begin to fail. A loss of appetite will occur because of the increased waste in your body and fatigue will set in. This will affect your body until the point that a coma may set in and you will lose consciousness. Lastly, your body cannot handle the rising levels of acidity from the failure of your kidneys, which means your breathing will become rapid as your lungs attempt to remove acid from your body; your blood pressure will rise significantly and you run the risk of congestive heart failure. Unfortunately, kidney failure is not always associated with an existing condition, it can be caused from injury to the kidney in an accident of some sort, which means it is imperative you seek medical treatment if you notice these symptoms.

How do you know if you have kidney insufficiency?

what does kidney insufficiency means

Can you die from a kidney hole?

I don't know exactly what you mean by a kidney "hole", but the closest thing to that which might occur naturally is a cyst, which is like a hole with a membrane filled with fluid. These are common and do not cause death or diease unless the kidney is full of them, such as in polycystic kidney disease. A hole in the kidney caused by a gunshot or stabbing could cause death from bleeding.

What are some of the problems that high blood pressure may cause?

Hypertension can cause many complications including heart damage, stroke, kidney failure, and others. To know all the complications of high blood pressure or hypertension, and to know how hypertension causes them, see Sources and Related Links further down this page.