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Q: How would a brown bear survive an ice age?
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Is a Siberian tiger stronger than a Russian brown bear?

Depends on the age and sex of either animal. The answer would be no if you're comparing a male Siberian tiger with a male brown bear.

How much does a grizzly bear hide weigh?

It would depend on the species and age of the bear.

What is the oldest age a brown bear has lived in captivity?

A brown bear lives a naturally long life. Males commonly live to 25 in the wild and females about 37. The species can live to 48 years in captivity.

How did the short faced bear survive the ice age?

simply it diddn't but it was the top predator near the end of the ice age as Sabre tooths came extinct

How many cubs can a mother bear have per liter?

A polar bear sow can have anywhere from one to four to a litter. Most times, though, only one or two cubs out of that litter survive to weaning age or to one year of age.

What kills a brown bear?

Hunters can hunt bears down. From not having food or water. Another bear could fight with them. A bear could fall down a cliff. Old age Bear traps Home gets disturbed Illness Heaps of things

Who would win a fight a cow moose on the rut or an Alaskan brown bear?

A cow moose would do its best to fight off the Alaskan brown bear with all its weapons and defense it gets, like hooves, head, and weight. An Alaskan brown bear has those powerful claws and a large size that can injure a cow moose badly if it got angry enough. However, a cow moose with sharp hooves and a powerful head, might seriously injure an Alaskan brown bear. It really does not depend on the size and health of the Alaskan brown bear. In a fight like this, the cow moose would win, but would get injured.Another opinion:That actually DOES depend on the size, health and age of the bear. A young bear wouldn't have a chance against a raging cow moose, nor would an old and/or weak bear. But a mature adult sow protecting her cubs, or even a roving mature boar bear who's got plenty of fights under his belt? A cow moose should be heading to the hills than taking on a great adult Alaskan brown bear! A bear is more predatory in nature with more defensive weapons at its disposal than a cow moose has: Not only is an Alaskan brown bear more muscular, but it also has powerful, sharp teeth and claws it can use to rip a moose apart and kill it, regardless whether the cow's in heat/on the rut or not. Sure a cow moose has those razor sharp hooves that will slice through the bear's hide, but that won't stop the bear from coming after her with its fangs bared and paws ready to take a swing. One swipe from an Alaskan brown bear's paw is enough to break a moose's neck, and thus make it a meal to feast on.

Who would win in a fight a bear or a crocodile?

That all depends on the size, age, species and maybe the health state of the bear and the crocodile.

Is a sun bear stronger than a tiger?

This depends on the age and sex of either animal. Male sun bears are very defensive in defending territories, while bengal tigers are stronger in hunting. The question of who is stronger is a a little bit dependent.

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food and water and different things that would help them to survive

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How smart is yogi bear?

Smarter than the A-ver-AGE bear.