

How would a horse act if it had spasmodic colic?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The horse would want to mabey lie down alot... stop eating, and moving as much, get you horse checked anyway,

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Q: How would a horse act if it had spasmodic colic?
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To maintain digestive health a horse should be?

A horse should be able to have access to good pasture and hay ad libitum. On richer pasture, a horse should have access to hay all the time to aid in ease of digestion because grass that is growing quickly tends to have the similar levels of protein and carbohydrates as a horse on a "hot" diet or grain diet would have. Roughage in the form of hay eases digestion and prevents founder for horses that are on rich pasture. Pastures that are of lower quality or that do not have such high-quality forage is more safer for a horse to be on 24/7. Clipped pastures are also good for horses to be on; the clippings act as a source of hay when they are grazing on pasture. However, do not let them eat fresh clippings or give them clippings that have been raked into piles as this can cause problems such as colic