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It depends on how much formula your baby or babies eat! I had twins and went through a can of formula every couple of days. It could've been really expensive if we went with the name brands, which cost somewhere around $25-$30 a can. Instead, we went the less expensive route and chose the Store Brand formula. We used Parent's Choice (Walmart's Store Brand) which cost us about $12 per can for a larger size than the name brands came in. You can go with whatever Store Brand formula is available at your local stores. Most of them are made by the same manufacturer (PBM Products). There are so many options, but since all infant formula manufacturers must adhere to strict regulations set forth by the FDA, all infant formulas are made nutritionally equal.

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Q: How would a month's worth of baby formula cost?
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about how much does it cost for a months worth of formula for a six month old baby who is bottle fed

Can rabbits of 7 months drink milk of the market?

No it would be best if you used baby formula milk instead.

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A baby three months old should be getting fed breast milk as it is better for your baby. It has all of the nutrients and vitamins a baby needs. A baby should get about 4 ounces of formula.

Is feeding a baby formula equal to feeding breast milk?

Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months before switching to baby formula. There are more nutrients and health benefits to the baby when using breast milk.

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Medical causes Or Baby may require specialized formula

How much does it cost for one year's worth of baby formula?

You would need to tell us what year you are asking this question, where you live, which store you shop in, and what brand of formula you buy in order for us to answer this question

Which website offers the best information regarding formula baby?

Looking for the best place for baby formula I would go here babycenter. On here it asks you questions about you and your baby and helps decides which formula is right for your baby.

Will it hurt your baby to take her off formula at 10 months old and put her on 2 percent milk?

Yes, you shouldnt swap your baby's formula to milk until she is 12 months old, and then swap to full fat milk. She can have skimmed and semi skimmed after the age of three.

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The average cost of 9 months of baby food is about $400 dollars.

What are nutritional guidelines for a baby?

For a baby under 1 year of age, the baby should only be consuming formula or breast milk until about age 6 months but remember if you are giving formula you need to also give your baby water because in breast milk there is plenty so you don't need to give much water. After 6 months you can introduce fruits and vegetable baby food.

What symptoms would a newborn have if you substituded sodium chloride in their formula instead of sugar?

Emaciation. If you put that much salt in baby formula, the baby wouldn't drink it and would starve.

How much does it cost for a month's worth of formula for a 6 month old baby who is bottle fed?

about $200