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Q: How would atrophic gastritis exacerbate osteoporosis?
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Osteoporosis caused by a thyroid tumor would be called?

secondary osteoporosis

What does atrophic pancreas mean?

It means the pancreas did not fully form. Depending on the degree it would usually not be a problem.

What type of individual would you expect to find the greatest incidence of osteoporosis?

in any individual would you can expect to find the greatest incidence of osteoporosis

What are some osteoporosis vitamins?

There are a number of resources online that would have information regarding osteoporosis vitamins. One great place to start would be WebMD. You can also try eHow:

Without seeing a doctor, how would I know if I have osteoporosis?

There are several symptoms that could give indications of havind osteoporosis. A doctors visit is required though to get official confirmation of having osteoporosis.

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What are some symptoms of osteoporosis?

There are no specific symptoms for osteoporosis. The main manifestation of osteoporosis is when you get bone fractures so easily. If you ever experience this kind of situation, you need to see an orthopedic, they are doctors who specialized in bone problems. Here's a good website for more information on osteoporosis:

What would happen to the Jews if they didn't abide to kosher?

Besides the transgression against Toral-lwas, it would be liable to exacerbate assimilation.

What is the icd-10 code for skin tags?

The most appropriate ICD 10 codes for skin tags would be: L90.8 - Other atrophic disorders of skin. L90.9 - Atrophic disorder of skin, unspecified. L91.8 -Other hypertrophic disorders of the skin. L91.9 - Hypertrophic disorder of the skin, unspecified

Which is an antonym for alleviate?

The opposite of mitigate (lessen, relieve) would be aggravate, or worsen.

What function performed by osteoclasts would be prevalent in individuals with osteoporosis?

build and maintain bone

Why would you take Actonel?

ACTONEL, This is a prescription medication that treats post menopausal osteoporosis.