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    • Bile plays an important role in the body. Without it enzymes in the small intestine would be unable to break down our food. As bile also contains certain pigments, a lack of bile would lead to pale
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Q: How would digestion change if the liver didn't make bile?
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Why would a really high fever be so dangerous for your liver?

high fever is dangerous for the liver as when the body temperature becomes high, the liver would not be able to detox poisonous food during digestion.

Saliva pre-digestion through ezymes in saliva is chemical change?

The first chemical change that happens in the body in regards to digestion, the breakdown of foodstuffs, occurs in the stomach. The saliva breakdown would be a physical change.

What is produced in the liver but stored in the gallbladder?

Bile is produced in the liver but stored in the gallbladder.

Is Liver mechanical or chemical?

No. Anything involving a chemical is not mechanical. It is chemical. It this case a liver "chemical" like enzymes would be involved in the process of digestion. The mechanical process is what you would see when you chew your food, for example. You are not actually changing the food but making the larger parts smaller.

What does the liver play in digestion?

the liver produces bile and sends it through the gallbladder to digestive tract. Bile aids, as an emulsifier, by helping to breaking down solids. The liver also serves as a sort of filter for harmful agents to your body, that would otherwise be completely absorbed and circulated through your entire system.

Which organ is in the Digestive and excretory?

Once again, I would have to go with the liver. It uses the bile to aid in digestion. The bowel also absorbs nutrients and water then pushes the rest through to waste.

Is the largest gland in human body?

Liver. It makes and releases substances that are used elsewhere in the body. The liver has many functions, such as removing bacteria, waste, and aiding in digestion. The liver is very important. Humans cannot live without a functioning liver. The liver processes blood and uses the nutrients found in blood and uses it for its functions.

Why do you think there is a slight delay in the change of blood glucose levels after eating?

Digestion of food would take some time.

What does the liver help digest?

All the nutrients that are digested in the alimentary canal and absorbed into the blood, then go to the liver for further processing. Only water can be absorbed without further processing by the liver.

What is the name of the greenish-black substance found in the fetal pig's intestine?

Liver juices-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not liver juices. Why would there be liver juices in the intestine?Its called Meconium. Since it is a fetal pig, meaning that it was still in the placenta when it was killed (to be used as a dissection, of course), it didnt use the digestive system because it didnt eat. Instead, what when through the stomach and intestines was meconium. Meconium is like urine, water, hair, and any cells, mucus, and bile.Hope this helped!-kutekat215

Role of the liver?

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body, and it is vital because it performs a number of essential functions related to digestion, metabolism, and the storage of nutrients. Without it, a human being would not be able to live, since the liver produces the chemicals necessary for digestion and it filters the blood coming from the digestive tract. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. It also makes proteins important for blood clotting.

Which major organ is in the digestive and excretory?

If I remember my schooling they are the lungs, liver,kidneys and the skin. Each organ filters the blood to remove toxins.