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Ethyl (C2H5-) is a group in organic chemistry.

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Q: How would ethyl be classified in chemistry?
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Why do we say chemistry is alive at home?

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The formula for ethyl alcohol is C2H5OH the mass of 2 moles of ethyl alcohol would be grams?


Would a 100 ml glass hold 120 g of ethyl alcohol?

yes it would, 120 g of ethyl alcohol would be 96 ml.

The formula for ethyl alcohol is CËÃHËÆOH The mass of 2 moles of ethyl alcohol would be grams?

The mass would be approximately 92 grams.

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In Chemistry

What category is maple syrup classified as in chemistry?

A sugar, carbohydrate, or organic compound

Classification of organic chemistry?

organic compounds can be classified easily as open chain and closed chain to the core. BUT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, it is very vast and there are separate branches like medicinal chemistry, drug chemistry, warfare chemistry, food chemistry, biochemistry and tons etc.

What is the halogenation of 3-ethyl-1-pentene with iodine?

When Iodine solid reacts with this alkene in presence of ethanol 1,2-diiodo-3-ethyl penman is produced stereo chemistry of produced compound shows a significant role for determining the properties of product.

How would you expect Rf values to change if you went from hexane-ethyl acetate solvent system to ethyl acetate only?

the rf values would increase

The formula for ethyl alcohol is C2H5OH. The mass of 2 moles of ethyl alcohol would be how many grams?

The mass of 2 moles of ethyl alcohol would be 92,14 grams.