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Q: How would fish-eating birds land on rocky islands be important in the formation of a new community of living things?
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What formation is associated with the formation of the Hawaiian islands?

Volcanic activity.

The Bahamas are in an formation?

The Bahamas are in an island formation. This is because the Bahamas are a series of islands that are lumped together.

The differences in formation in the Caribbean islands are caused by?

the Bahamas

What state is a formation of islands?

Hawaii is an island archipelago.

What are riverine islands?

Due to gentle slope, when the velocity of the river decreases, it results in the formation of riverine islands.

Where plate tectonics involved in the formation of the galapagos islands?


What terms do geographers use to classify the island formation of the pacific island?

The continental islands, Oceanic islands, and the Atolls.

How did Hawaii get made?

volcanic eruptions caused the formation of the hawaiian islands

What is the formation of the Hawiian islands associated with.?

The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is associated with a volcanic hot spot under the Pacific Plate. As the plate moves slowly northwest over the hot spot, a chain of volcanic islands is formed, with the oldest islands in the chain to the northwest and the youngest to the southeast. This process has been ongoing for millions of years.

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Which type of boundaries cause volcanic activity and can result in the formation of islands?

Convergent boundaries, where tectonic plates collide, can cause volcanic activity due to the subduction of one plate beneath another. This process can lead to the formation of volcanic island arcs, such as Japan or the Aleutian Islands.

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