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it would get a lot hotter and would be hard to live in

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Q: How would global warming impact Arizona?
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If all cars were hybrids what would be the environmental impact?

less polution, no global warming

What does 'Against man-made Global Warming' mean?

If you were asked to speak in a debate, "Against man-made Global Warming" you would be arguing that man is not causing Global Warming. You would have to argue that Global Warming is occurring naturally.

Would the UK benefit from global warming?

no.the global warming won't benefit anyone

If global warming affects the hole in the ozone layer what would happen?

If global warming affects the ozone hole, the UV will come in. This will lead to more global warming.

If we wern't here would global warming happen?

No. Global warming is caused by man burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. No other animal does that. If there were no humans on earth, there would be no global warming.

Would the end of global warming help or hurt the ozone?

The end of global warming would help the ozone. It is because the depletion of ozone is directly related to the global warming caused by greenhouse gases.

What is the opposite of global warming?

The opposite would be global cooling.

A decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere would result in?

A decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere would result in Cooler global temperatures. This would help decrease the impact of global warming.

What percent of Americans support global warming?

No one would want to have global warming being caused by humans. That is not a logical position for anyone. Zero percent would WANT man induced global warming.

What is the reverse change of global warming global Cooling or Global Freezing?

It would be global cooling.

Are there any laws on global warming?

No, and I'd be delighted if You would Join Me in Asking "Why Are There No Laws Regulating Global Warming?". Bc

Where might the north and south pole relocate if global warming escalates?

Global warming would have no affect on the location of the poles.