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Automobiles are a balance between usability -- interior space, access, comfort -- and optimum shape for economy, principally aerodynamic efficiency.

Given those parameters and the fact that cars have been designed in wind-tunnels for some years now, it is not likely that the basic shape will change much from the current hybrids.

The only thing that would make much difference at this point would be a major advance in smaller propulsion systems and energy storage, and even that would probably be a minimal difference. The big objects are the passengers, and there has to be room for them.

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Cutting Edge Hybrid Cars?

The most cutting edge hybrid cars are usually coined as "concept" hybrid cars. The most popular brands for concept hybrid cars right now are BMW, Cadillac, and Audi. Audi has designed one of the fastest hybrid cars on the market. It is definitely the car of choice for people who like to race down highways. The Cadillac concept hybrid car is for the discerning customer who enjoys luxury and brand names.

What kind of job would you like to have in the future?

Great question! I would like to design and build sterling engine generators and wind turbines for home use. And maybe sterling engine hybrid cars. Other interests include earth batteries and green energy. Thank you exceedingly. or Scott

What are the best cars for MPG?

There are some cars like the 2010 Ford Fiesta, Honda Fit, Honda Civic, Toyota Prius Hybrid. Most hybrid cars get good gas mileage.

Where can I look to find the top rated hybrid car?

Consumer Search is a great resource for reviews. Here is a list of hybrid cars and their reviews so you can choose one that you like:

Shopping for Great Hybrid Cars?

If you are looking to buy a hybrid car, you will be amazed at how many choices are available to you. To begin, consider looking online to find some information on which type of hybrid you would like to buy. From there, it is just a matter of finding the right dealership in your area who is not overcharging for the cars that they sell to all of their customers.

Top Hybrid Luxury Cars?

There are plenty of great hybrid luxury cars out there. If you are looking to get your hands on a hybrid luxury car to meet your needs, then you simply need to look at car manufacturers like BMW and Cadillac. BMW is the top maker of luxurious hybrid cars right now. There is no dispute that you will be able to find a trendy hybrid when you shop at BMW dealerships.

Stylish BMW Hybrid Cars?

When hybrid cars were first created, there were mainly distributed by auto makers like Ford and General Motors. They definitely were not something that designer auto makers were distributing within their own lines of products. Now, however, you can get your hands on BMW hybrid cars. BMW hybrid cars will be more expensive than hybrid cars from Ford or General Motors. The main reason they are more expensive is due to their brand name.