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Nocturnal animals usually hunt at night and it makes it hard to see so they use the asymmetrical hearing to hunt. They use these echoes to locate and identify the objects.

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Q: How would nocturnal animals use asymmectrical hearing?
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Is a nocturnal?

An animal such as an owl or bat. Animals that are nocturnal sleep during the day and would awaken at night.

What is a Nocturnal?

An animal such as an owl or bat. Animals that are nocturnal sleep during the day and would awaken at night.

What are animals called that sleep during the day and stay active during night?

That would be a "Diurnal" animal such as a wolf.

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Nocturnal animals are seldom seen during daylight hours.

If a creature was nocturnal when would it go out?

nocturnality animals. coons, owls, and possums. >>>>>>>>>>>> Bats & skunks

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Raccoons and skunks are nocturnal.

What is the behavior of the nocturnal animals?

Well Nocturnal animals (which you already probably knew) only come out in the nighttime and sleep in the day. Such as bats, oppusom, raccoons, etc. Well mostly the behaviour of a nocturnal animal would be like any other animal. Except they just stay up in the night. They eat, sleep, poo and pee, and go around. So this question would be a very easy one to answer.

Are nocturnal animals usually dark coloured?

yes I think so, because if they were bright colours they would be easier to see and it would be hard for them to hunt ect.

What anmals are nocturnal?

The largest nocturnal animal is a part of the lemur family called the aye-aye. This animal has a unique way of finding food by knocking on trees to determine if grubs are within them.

Why don't owls sleep at night?

Because they are nocturnal much like other nocturnal animals they sleep in dark places all day (owls sleep in tree holes), owls have eyes adapted to seeing at night, if they were to fly during the day they would be blinded and subsequently crash into something and fall to their death. Plus their hearing is capable of hearing faint movements of mice/rats during the night.

Why is it that you never see raccoons in the trees during the day?

Raccoons are primarily nocturnal animals. During the day the animals would normally be sleeping in their dens, not in trees. They would only climb trees to escape a predator or to obtain food.

Do all nocturnal animals eat meat?

They could both be Omnivore. (Meat & Veg eater). Possums, Rats and many more are Nocturnal animals. They might be Carnivores (Meat Eaters) because their prey might be sleeping, But if they are Herbivores, (Veg Eater) it might just be the way it is! This is just my opinion so it isn't the 101% correct answer, But this is quite reasonable. Happy to help. CHEERS!