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Q: How would pathos relate to naps?
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What kind of appeal would be most effective for an argument about animal cruelty?

Pathos ---> Apex

What is the root word of pathos?

The root word of pathos is the Greek word "pathos," which means suffering or feeling. It is often used to describe a quality that evokes pity, sadness, or empathy in literature or art.

How do you describe pathos?

Pathos is what you feel emotionally about a character or a story. So you would have to describe it with words that describe different emotions like gloomy, ecstatic.....etc.

If this were an advertisement for stopping deforestation what kind of appeal would it be making?

a. pathos

How would you go about implementing change in the office?

Power Naps

Is slang an example of pathos?

No. Pathos means emotional appeal, as opposed to logos (logic), or ethos (ethics). Saying something is not fair would be an example of pathos, while saying something is illegal or goes against tradition would be an example of ethos, and saying something makes no sense would be an example of logos. If someone is a bigot, then pathos probably wouldn't work. Much of what they are acting upon is pathos, and emotional arguments against them would be dismissed as sentimental. Besides, they would not care what is fair or how much their actions hurt others. Since their arguments are mostly emotional, logic would not work with them either. Ethics would be the best argument, but once again, if they are determined to be as they are, that wouldn't help much.

What is the study of human body organs?

Astronomers and astrologists.

Why would a writer use pathos in a speech in order to what?

to manipulate the hearer's emotions.

What is the antonym of logos?

The antonym of logos is pathos. Logos refers to appealing to logic and reason, while pathos refers to appealing to emotions and feelings.

How do you spell pathos?

That is the correct spelling of "pathos" (emotional persuasion).

What appeal is used most in advertising pathos ethos or logos?


What political actions would unacceptable to John Locke?

Which appeal is the best example of pathos?