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enzymes are the catalyst that aid the reactions taking place inside our bodies. if there were no enzymes, our metabolic processes would slow down to such a rate that we would not be able to survive.

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Adolf Rohan

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Q: How would reactions be affected if enzymes were not present in cell?
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What proteins in the cell membrane help import biochemical reactions inside the cell?

The proteins you speak of are enzymes. Without enzymes present majority of biochemical reactions would not be able to take place. *Enzymes are a polymer of proteins.

Without enzymes are molecules able to bond with each other and why?

Yes - without enzymes molecules can still bind together - but the process will usually take much longer. Enzymes are catalysts - which means that they lower the activation energy for reactions. This means that reactions occur more quickly. However, enzymes cannot make reactions occur which would not (eventually) occur without the enzyme present.

Why are enzymes so important to human beings?

Enzymes catalyze the chemical reactions in humans by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. If enzymes weren't present, the activation energy would be too high and the reaction would therefore be too slow, so the organism would not be able to live.

In which organ is biological activity of an enzyme present?

Enzymes are present in many organs of the body, but they are most commonly found and active in the liver, where they play a key role in various metabolic processes including detoxification, energy production, and protein synthesis.

What is the significant point of an enzyme being present at a reaction?

It speeds up the chemical reaction. Sometimes without enzymes reactions would be so slow.

How do enzymes affect the chemical reactions occurring in cells?

Enzymes are catalysts. They help lower the activation energy of reactions and increase the rate of the reaction. Without the help of enzymes, the biochemical reactions in the body would take so long that it would kill the person.

Homeostasis is the ability of an organism to maintain a relatively stable internal environment How would an organism's homeostasis be affected if it was not able to produce enzymes?

Without the lowering of activation energy necessary reactions would not take place. Things like ATP synthesis would not take place. Complex multicellular life, not to mention unicellular life, would not exist as we know it and, perhaps, not at all.

Why are enzymes important in cell?

Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in a cell. without enzymes, many chemical reactions that are neccassarry for life would either take to long or not occur at all.

Why do cells contain thousands of enzymes?

Cells have enzymes to speed up chemical reactions. If enzymes didn't exist, the chemical reactions inside our bodies would be too slow to allow us to function, and we would die. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions, they digest foods and assimilate nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and plant fibers that would not be easily digested without them.

Why are enzymes important in a cell?

Enzymes are essential in a cell because they catalyze chemical reactions, speeding up processes that are necessary for cellular functions. Without enzymes, metabolic reactions would occur too slowly for cells to function properly. Enzymes also help regulate these reactions, ensuring that they happen at the right time and in the right place.

What would life be without enzymes?

Life is basically little soap bubbles with water and enzymes floating around inside. There is no life, as we know it, without enzymes. Enzymes impact every aspect of life like, energy production, reproduction, and everything else.

What rate would meabolic reactions occur if enzymes are taken away?

it would not occur at all