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The difference is that first you have to understand the problem and translate it into an equation (or equations).

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Q: How would solving a literal equation differ from a one or two step equation?
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What are the 4 steps to solving an equation?

The 1st step would be to give an example of the equation to be solved.

Which step would not be a possible first step for solving the following equation algebraically?

The first step not possible in solving an equation algebraically is not to provide an equation in the first place in which it appears to be so in this case.

What would you need to help you with it comes to solving equations?

When solving equations remember that whatever operations are performed on the LHS of the equation must be performed on its RHS to keep the equation in balance.

What is the first step in solving this equation by completing the square?

The first step would be to find the equation that you are trying to solve!

Why would you want to solve a literal equation for a variable when you could simply plug in known values and then solve the resulting linear equation?

if you solve by plugging in the known values ahead of time you won't have a general formula for the variable in the literal equation. Therefor if the known values change, you would have to start all over again, making each problem more individualized. Once the literal equation is solved for some variable, if the known values change all you have to do is plug in those new numbers to your literal equation, and out pops your answer

How would decide what to do first when solving an equation involving fractions?

Eradicate the fractions.

What are the four steps for solving a quadratic equation?

The 1st step would have been to show a particular quadratic equation in question.

What would happen if you used order of operations to solve a literal equation?

You would have a reasonable shot at finding the correct solution.

How would you go about solving a quadratic equation?

Write the quadratic equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 then the roots (solutions) of the equation are: [-b ± √(b2 - 4*a*c)]/(2*a)

What is it called when finding the value of an expression by replacing the variables with numerals?

It is called solving the equation. * * * * * I would suggest that the answer is "evaluating it".

How would you know that your equation has no solutions without actually solving it?

It really depends on the type of equation. Sometimes you can know, from experience with similar equations. But in many cases, you have to actually do the work of trying to solve the equation.

What property of inequality would you use to solve the equation 14x equals 35?

None. Properties of inequalities are not that relevant when solving equalities.