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lucky Gerald Ford wouldn't ever have been president

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Q: How would the US be different without the declaration of independence?
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How were you affected by the Declaration of Independence?

without the declaration we would have no rights, nor a democracy

Why was the Declaration of Independence significant?

because it changed our history today because without is we would be different as in history and people.

Why is the Declaration of Independence an important state for your country?

Without it, many laws that we have today would not be in effect and there would be many people disobeying the rules. I think The Declaration of Independence is very important to the USA.

Why was the sign of the Declaration of Independence so important?

It is simply important because without it we would not have the freedoms we would have today.

A justification for the American Revolution can be found in which of the following historical documents?

Mayflower CompactFundamental Orders of ConnecticutConstitutionDeclaration of IndependenceYour answer is "D", Declaration of Independence

Who was the main person responsible for drafting the declaration of independence?

No one was solely responsible for the Declaration of independence. It was written by several different men, not based one just one mans opinion. A better Question would be "Who influenced the making of the Declaration of independence the most."

What would the us citizens do without the Declaration of Independence?

Although it rejects popular wisdom, the United States would be no different without the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration has never had any legal value in the United States as a law or customary guide and the American Revolution had already started a year before its issuance. The only thing that it served to do was to give a political justification for an economic liberation war. American Law, as it commonly stands, is far more indebted even to the Articles of Confederation (and extraordinarily indebted to the Constitution of 1789) than to the Declaration of Independence.

What changes came to New jersey when the Declaration of Independence was signed?

They believed that the British would accept the declaration of Independence

If you had to write the Declaration of Independence in 1776 what would you include?

There are many things I would write in the Declaration of Independence. One thing that pops into my mind would be that future presidents are not able to change or modify anything in this declaration.

How does the declaration of independence continue to shape America today?

The Declaration of Independence shows what the USA will not put up with then and now. The Colonies were tired of GB telling them what to do. Without the Declaration we would not be free today. The Declaration pretty much told GB that they were willing to wadge war against them and the Colonies won,which is why we are free today. The Declaration of Independence is the reason for the Constitution.

What document states that all people have inalienable rights?

That would be the Declaration of Independence, signed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

What are some of the benefits of declaring the independence?

The Declaration of Independence is the document by which the colonies broke away from being governed by England. The Declaration recognizes that "All men are created equal" and that all people have rights endowed upon them by their creator. These righte being; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Other rights enjoyed by Americans are enumerated in the US Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence. But without the Declaration, the Constitution would not be possible.