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Q: How would the environment be different without decomposers?
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Why are decomposers in the desert?

Decomposers are needed everywhere that there is life. These organisms are responsible for breaking down dead material and returning the nutrients back to the environment for future use. Without decomposers, life would end because there would be no available nutrients for living and future plants and animals to consume.

What would the environment be like without pioneer species?

For starters,the environment would have only exclusive species and they would have different behaviors

Why are decomposers important to the environment?

it is important to like food webs to and the environment. one of the decomposers is the fungi. the fungi is important because, if we didnt have fungi then the dead animals that died and the flowers that died, we would all be covered in them and they would be in places where they had died. not a good thing. so that's why fungi is important.

Do you think we could do without worms bacteria and other decomposers?

No. The decomposers are critical in replacing nutrients in the soil that are absorbed by plants. Without the decomposers, the surface of the earth would rather rapidly turn into nothing but desert.

What do you think would eventually happen if there were no decomposers?

Without decomposers, dead leaves, dead insects, and dead animals would pile up everywhere. Imagine what the world would look like!

Why are decomposers valuable to the biosphere?

Scanvengers and decomposers are important in our environment because without these organisms there would be dead bodies laying everywhere on our planet because these organisms weren't there to break down the nutriants from the animal.

Why are scarvengers and detritivors and decomposers important to all living things in the environment?

These organisms reduce dead plants and animals to their component compounds. Without them, the world would soon be buried in the remains of formerly living things.

Is the nitrogen cycle possible without decomposers andf why?

The nitrogen cycle would not be possible without decomposers, because the decomposers role is to break down the nitrogen containing chemicals into simpler chemicals. So to answer your question, no it is not possible, hope this helped.

What do decomposer's break down?

Decomposers break down dead or once living organisms. Without decomposers, the earth would be littered with the bodies of dead animals, plants, and other organisms

What is importance of autotrophs and decomposers in regards to an ecosystem's?

Autotrophs can make their own energy. They don't rely on other organisms to survive. Without decomposers, there would be dead carcasses of animals everywhere, and it would really stink. The decomposers can help clean this mess up by using the decaying material as food.

What role do decomposers play in the ecosystem?

Decomposers are an essential component of any ecosystem. Their main role is to recycle nutrients in dead organisms and their wastes. Most decomposers are bacteria and fungi. Without the decomposers, there could be no life, since plants would then run out of nutrients.

What if there were no decomposers?

The Earth would be filled with the things that decomposers decompose.