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After urbanization of an area, the peak of a hydrograph of a large rainstorm would become higher and narrower. Urbanization is defined simply as more and more people living in urban areas.

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23h ago

Urbanization can lead to increased impervious surfaces like roads and buildings, reducing infiltration and increasing runoff. This can cause a faster rise in streamflow during a rainstorm, resulting in a higher peak discharge and a shorter lag time in the hydrograph. Additionally, urbanization can increase the volume of runoff, leading to larger flood peaks and potentially worsening flood events.

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Q: How would the hydrograph of a large rainstorm change after urbanization of an area?
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What region had fewer large cities?

Rural regions typically have fewer large cities compared to urban areas. This is because large cities tend to develop as central hubs for economic, cultural, and social activities, which are more common in urban environments. Rural regions often have smaller population densities and fewer infrastructure resources, leading to less urbanization and fewer large cities.

When many people move to cities it is called?

Urbanization refers to the process by which a large number of people move from rural areas to cities, resulting in the growth of urban areas. This phenomenon is often driven by factors such as job opportunities, better quality of life, and access to amenities.

Which country has the most cities?

It is difficult to definitively say which country has the most cities as it can depend on the criteria used to define a city. However, in terms of sheer quantity, China is often considered to have a large number of cities due to its vast population and urbanization.

Why the worlds largest cities now are outside the development continents?

The largest cities are now located outside of the development continents due to various factors, such as economic opportunities, urbanization trends, and population growth in these regions. Many developing countries are going through rapid urbanization and experiencing high population growth rates, which leads to the emergence of large cities in these regions. Additionally, changes in global economy and infrastructure development have also contributed to the shift of largest cities to outside the development continents.

Why might some continents have a large number of megacities?

Continents with a high population density, advanced infrastructure, strong economies, and rapid urbanization tend to have a large number of megacities. These cities attract people in search of economic opportunities, creating a concentration of population and resources in urban areas. Factors like historical development, government policies, and natural resources also play a role in the formation of megacities on certain continents.