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Q: How would the mantle react under gentle pressure?
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How would the earth's mantle react under gentle continuous pressure?

it will steady as liquid form and hot

Why is the lower mantle denser the the upper mantle?

The lower mantle is under greater pressure than the upper mantle, compressing the rock into a denser form.

Is the mantle porous?

No. The mantle is under such great pressure that any pore space would close immediately.

How would the mantle react under a sudden forceful impact?

it would harden just like silly putty

How are the mantle and inner core alike?

They are both very hot

Why do mantle convection currents rise under mid ocean ridges?

They don't. The presence of magma at mid-ocean ridges is due to the effect of less pressure on the mantle below known as "decompressional melting". Mantle rock is extremely hot, yet it remains in solid state because it is under immense pressure. At mid-ocean ridges, where tectonic plates are pulling apart, the crust is thinner, meaning less pressure on the mantle rocks below, thus they are able to melt, become less dense and rise.

Do diamonds come from the earth's inner core?

Diamonds form under great pressure and heat in the mantle. The mantle surrounds the core. Diamonds are found in intrusive lava, (underground deposits)

What is under the mantle?

Below the mantle is the core.

Where is the lower mantle?

under the upper mantle

Can the brain work under heavy pressure?

the brain can work under heavy pressure, giving the brain a challenge make the human personality react differently and provide confidence to the conscience mind.

What keeps the mantle from turning into liquid?

The mantle rock is not hot enough to melt while under the pressure that exists at the depth it is at.When the crust cracks like it does at the spreading centers at mid-ocean ridges, the pressure is released just enough to allow melting of the top layer of the mantle, producing very dense basaltic lava.

How are hot spots formed?

from being under the mantle the gas pressure builds up and forces magma out forming a hot spot.