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Q: How would the shape of the sun change in a solar eclipse?
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Who would be able to see the solar eclipse?

People who are in the path of the eclipse.

Does solar power work during an eclipse?

It would during a solar eclipse, but probably not during a lunar eclipse.

What is the type of eclipse that totally blacks out the sun from earths view?

This is a solar eclipse, specifically a total eclipse (Total solar eclipse I think is how you would word it).

What type of eclipse would be seen on the moon if earth experienced a total lunar eclipse?

In this case, from the Moon you would see a total solar eclipse.In this case, from the Moon you would see a total solar eclipse.In this case, from the Moon you would see a total solar eclipse.In this case, from the Moon you would see a total solar eclipse.

When might Massachusetts have another Solar eclipse?

Around June 1st 2011. It would be a partial solar eclipse.

Would you die from the solar eclipse?

No. It is of no danger.

When would a solar eclipse occur?

A solar eclipse occurs when there is a new moon and the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun.

Would a total solar eclipse happen at daytime or nightime?

Daytime, solar eclipse are visible in areas, lol i had this for hw

What effects would a shrunken sun have on a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse of a Sun that was smaller but a Moon that is the same size and distance as our Moon would mean that eclipses would last longer, you would never get an annular eclipse, a larger area would experience each eclipse.

Would a solar eclipse happens at full moon or new moon?

solar eclipse happen at full moon or new moon

What happens when the sun the moon and the earth are lined up in a straight line?

We would have what is called a "Total Solar Eclipse." The Most recent Total Solar Eclipse happened in 1487. The Next Total Solar Eclipse will happen in 2079. An interval of approx. 601 years. But for lack of better explanation, we would have a solar eclipse that we get annually.

What kinds of eclipse covered two-third of the sun?

That would be a partial solar eclipse.