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Q: How would the war be different if the allies lost at the Battle of Midway?
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Which battle do you think was the most in turning the war in favor of the allies?

Well, it depends. If you're thinking about the war in the Pacific, then it would be the Battle of Midway. If it were the war in the east, with Europe, then it would be the Battle of the Bulge.

Where is midway island and way was the battle of midway so important?

The Midway Islands are in the Pacific, roughly halfway between North America and Asia. The battle (in 1942) was an early victory for the Allies (although it would take another three years to defeat Japan into surrender).

Which battle do you think was most important in turning the war in favor of the allies?

Well, it depends. If you're thinking about the war in the Pacific, then it would be the Battle of Midway. If it were the war in the east, with Europe, then it would be the Battle of the Bulge.

What would have happened if the Battle of Midway didn't happen?

What probably would have happened was Japan might have used the resources to invade Australia, a huge staging point for the allies. Therefore it might have taken the allies longer to move to Japan and defiantly more causalities.

Who was the winner in the Battle of Midway?

it is a symbolic battle for the U.S. because it would go forward to win all it's other encounters with the Japanese. So the U.S. to be short, won the Battle of Midway in the Midway Islands

What battle in the Pacific changed the tide of the war towards the allies?

That would be the Battle of Midway (4-7 June 1942) where the Japanese Navy suffered a reversal at the hands of the US Navy from which they never regained the initiative in the Pacific during WW2 .

How do you think the war might have been different if the allies have lost at midway?

It would have sparked a major tragedy within several people due to locations and it just have been very different then it turned out to be..... Thanks :@)

What if the Japanese Won the Battle of Midway?

You would probably be writing the question in German.

What would have happen if the Japanese had won the Battle of Midway?

Later battles would have been bloodier.

Which battle marked the turning point of the pacific war and was considered the most decisive naval battle of WW2?

The would be the Battle of Midway. The destruction of so many Japanese air craft carriers and aircraft was a blow they could not recover from.

Why was the Battle of Midway such a significant battle for US?

Some people refer to it as a "turning point in the War", but that's a load of bull. The Japanese were still continuing to advance in the South Pacific, and it would be 4 more months before the Allies cleared them out.It was only regarded as an important battle for 2 reasons:1) It was the first major victory by the Allies against Japan.2) Every single enemy aircraft - all 248 of them - was destroyed, causing heavy Japanese losses.Answer:The Battle of Midway was the turning point in the Pacific area of the war. The reason for this is that the Japanese were taken by surprise, lost 4 cruisers in the battle, and were weakened.

What battle is considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific?

A simple question with a simple answer. In June 1942 after the American victory in the the famed battle of midway, the IJN (imperial Japanese navy) suffered severe losses and had to fall back towards Japan which is where the pacific battles remained until the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending WWII.