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Q: How would the world be different without steam engines?
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What kind of transport did they have 150 years ago in nz?

They had things called steam engines that carried human body's across the world to different places

Who changed the world of transportation with one equation that turned water to steam and enabled steam engines to to run?

a awesome person

How are steam engines used?

In the years ranging from 1825 to about 1964, steam engines were used on the railway transportation systems of most of the world. steam trains are the locomotives that have the large wheels. ( google your local railway museum ) mean while, from 1890 to 1920, steam engines where used as steam tractors used for field work. today, most steam trains today, are gone. however, steam engines are used to power electric genorators. By the way, they also expiramented with a steam car too, some sucedded. but had a tendency to blow up in your face. today most steam trains, tractors, and cars. have been replaced by gasoline and diesel engines.

Are diesel engines more polluted than steam engines?

Of an individual diesel engine and an individual steam engine of the same energy output the diesel engine would be less polluting. It is far more efficient. However, there are far more diesel engines than steam engines in the world today so overall diesel engines pollute more than steam engines.

What did the English make that helped BC join Canada?

Railroads and Steam Engines. They were very much English Technology exported to the world.

What would the world be like without the steam engine?

mother f***ers

Were there steam warships in World War 1?

Many warships of World War I were driven by coal-fueled reciprocating steam engines. The steam turbine was first used in a ship (Turbinia) in 1894 and used for modern warships beginning in 1904. But it did not completely replace the older engines until decades later. The advent of diesel and oil-fired turbines also began around the start of the war in 1914.

Can you run a coal fired steam locomotive on wood instead?

Steam engines were often run on wood. Some minor adjustments to the grating, but it was readily available in most parts of the world where trains were run.

When was the last steam engine built in US?

Various small steam engines are built and marketed throughout the USA and the world today. This includes engines producing several horsepower, typical for steamboats, etc. The last large US manufacturer of steam engines, Skinner Engine Company, went out of business about 1980, and the last large engine that they built powered a generator in a large central station power plant. This generator powered the exciter for the main turbine driven generator, and is in the vicinity of 1,000 - 2000 Horsepower.

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how would the world be different with out pocahontas

What has the steam engine become?

The main driving force of most of the power consumed in the world, mostly in the form of electricity. All steam power plants: nuclear, fossil fuel, waste - to - energy, and even gas turbine power plants have radial steam engines in them, better known as steam turbines. These typically drive the electric generators feeding power to our homes and businesses.