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Q: How would you calculate the opportunity cost of your college education if you lived at home and went to college full time for four years?
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Sybil Ludington lived during the Revolutionary War. There is no record of her attending college, or any school. It is likely she never received any formal education, especially secondary, as this practice was nearly nonexistent for women at the time.

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The Census counts people in the location where they lived on April 1 of the year in question. If you lived on campus at the time, you would be counted wherever your college is.

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Yes, Alexander Pope was a Roman Catholic who lived in England in 1688. Due to his religion he was unable to attend college as Catholics were not permitted higher education in England at the time. He was educated at home by priests.

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Are college students included in city population estimates?

The Census counts people in the location where they lived on April 1 of the year in question. If you lived on campus at the time, you would be counted wherever your college is.

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John Dewey, an American educational reformer, is known as the father of progressive education. He lived from 1859 to 1952.

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He has had a home in Hawaii and Illinois. He lived as a college student in California, New York and Massachusetts .

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Cleopatra did not go to college. She lived 2082 years ago. College as we think of it was unknown to Cleopatra and anyone else living her her time.

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He lived 1841 - 1919. You can calculate his age.