

How would you classify cardiac muscles?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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10y ago

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The cardiac muscles can be classified as voluntary striated and involuntary non-striated.

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Q: How would you classify cardiac muscles?
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How do you classify muscles?

In classifying muscles,we usually classify them as Stritiated(Skeletal/Cardiac) and Non-Stritiated(Smooth).

What type of muscles are the cardiac muscles?

cardiac muscles

What would happen if your whole body was made of cardiac muscle?

I think that what you mean to ask is, what would happen if all your muscles were cardiac muscles. Obviously, if your whole body was made of cardiac muscle it would die, since it would have no lungs, no brain, no digestive system, no skin, etc. Muscles do not a body make. But if all your muscles were cardiac muscles, chances are that would be workable. I know of no reason why cardiac muscle could not perform other muscular functions than pumping blood.

How would you use cardiac muscle in a sentence?

One of his cardiac muscles was badly damaged.

In which part of the body would you find the cardiac muscle?

cardiac muscles are located in the heart only

Can you contract your smooth and cardiac muscles on purpose?

Smooth Muscles can, but Cardiac Muscles can not.

Skeletal and cardiac muscles are this?

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated muscles.

What happens if cardiac muscles do not contract?

You would get a heart attack otherwise known as a cardiac arrest.

What are examples of cardiac muscles?

heart muscles

Is cardiac a type of muscles?

Yes. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart which is why they call it cardiac arrest.

Cardiac muscles are found where?

The Cardiac muscles are found in your heart.

Which organ do Cardiac muscles control?

Cardiac muscles form the heart.