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Well, the male frog has a specific croak that no other species has. It only attracts the female of the same species. In bullfrogs, the female is most attracted to the frog with the deepest croak. They are only compelled to the same species to mate.

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9y ago

One can collect evidence to test the theory that male frogs only attract females of the same species by means of observation. Another means is by inference.

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Q: How would you collect evidence to test the theory that male frogs only attract females on the same species?
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How would you collect evidence to test the theory that male frogs only attract females at the same species what observations would you make?

by checking what color there poo is, and how it tastes, if it's sour it means its true. enjoy!

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How you can collect evidence to the theory that male frogs only attracy female frogs of the same species?

its not a theory its a fact

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