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Q: How would you describe Mark Antony's relationship with Caesar?
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Yes they were in a very sexual relationship, but this did not mean too much in the ancient world. Cleopatra needed a father for her child and Caesar was handy. Caesar wanted the money that Egypt owed him and Cleopatra was the one who would pay him once she had the throne. You could say that they had a mutually beneficial relationship.

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How does brutus describe Antony to the group?

Brutus tells the group that Antony was like one of Caesar's arms. He was implying that once they killed Caesar, it would render Antony powerless.

What is Julius Caesar's relationship with Cleopatra?

Julius Caesar's relationship with Cleopatra was a mutual one . Julius Caesar put Cleopatra and her brother on the throne of Egypt, in return he was to recieve payments from Egypt. He also left (correct me if im wrong) four legions of men to keep Egypt on friendly terms so there would be no uprisings.