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My Tehen, Datemono, Fukigaeshi, Maebashi, Kabuto, Shikoro, Menpo, Shinobi-no-o, Yodare-kake, Sode, Waki-ita, Agemaki, Do, Kote, Shino, Tekko, Kusazuri, Tateagi, Haidate, Shino and my Suneate with my sandals. I also need to put on my armor fastenings which look like bag buckles.

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Related questions

Did Samurais use armor?

They are famous for their armor.

What is the samurais armor made from?

steel and leather

What are the weapons and armor that the samurai's had to wear?

One armor was a Dō-maru or body wrap hich was samurai armor. One Famous Weapon samurais would use was the katana.

What are some similarities between samurai and knight weapons?

Both samurais and knights used swords as their primary weapon, such as the katana for samurais and the longsword for knights. They also both used armor for protection in battle, with samurais wearing elaborate armor made of lacquered plates and knights wearing suits of armor made of metal. Additionally, both warriors used bows and arrows in combat.

Who would win in a fight Vikings or samries?

Vikings are much stronger, but Samurais are faster. Also Samurais aren't afraid to die so probably Samurais.

How do you capture nagoya in feudalism 2?

capture izumo first and get LOTS of black samurais. plus infernal armor from Holy Order's capital city.

What do samurais live to do?

samurais were when japan was in the feudal system- they were hired by their lords to protect them from attackrs, and they would be given land in exchange

How do samurais greet?

They would put their hands together and bow.

How tall were Japanese samurais long ago?

The average height of a Japanese Samurai was around 5"2 - 5"4. (Judging from their armor, which was made for men of the aforementioned height.)

Do samurais speak Thai?

No. Samurais are from Japan, not Thailand. They Speak Japanese.

What kind of weaponry do Samurais use?

Samurais are most noted for their katana use. Samurais are most skilled with the katana. Samurais also carry a backup weapon called a wakizashi. Both the katana and wakizashi are forms of a sword. Some Samurais also use a bow known as a yumi.

How long do samurais have to serve?

As long as they still alive, they are still consider a samurais