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round, gravity and the lunar paths of moons make them round

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Q: How would you describe the shape of the majority of the Moon's in our solarsystem?
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Related questions

Are all moons the same shape?

No they are not

Why are mars moons and the smaller moons of the outer planets an irregular shape while the larger moons discussed in the exploration are spherical?

Mars' moons are much smaller than, for example, Earth's Moon, or the larger moons of Jupiter. A large moon will have a larger gravity, which will tend to pull the moon together into a spherical shape.

How Do You describe the shape of a data set?

You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.

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How do you describe the shape decagon?

A ten sided shape

What is the term that is used to describe the shape of a muscle?

The term used to describe the shape of a muscle is "muscle morphology." This refers to the overall structure and form of the muscle, which can vary depending on its function and location in the body.

What causes the apparent repeated changes of the moons shape?

The Earth's and Moon's rotation.

Are all of the planet Moon's round?

No. Jupiter's smaller moons are irregular in shape.

Are the planets' moons all spherical?

No. Only the larger moons are spherical. Smaller moons do not have strong enough gravity to make themselves round and so are irregular in shape. Perfect example are Phobos and Deimos, the two tiny moons that orbit Mars.

How do you describe the shape pentagon?

a 5 sided shape usually in the shape of a house

What shape do you think the universe is?

Since all of the planets, and moons, and stars seem to have a spherical shape, it is possible that the universe may be a sphere.