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There are a few ways...

1) the identity of the substance changed

2) there was a gas released (fizzing, bubbles, etc.)

3) color change (even though color change is a physical property, it might be caused by a chemical reaction)

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1w ago

You can determine if a chemical change has occurred by looking for signs such as a change in color, formation of a precipitate, evolution of gas, or release of heat or light. Additionally, if the chemical composition of the substance has been altered, it is likely that a chemical change has taken place.

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heat change, colour change and an odor might be given off

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Q: How would you determine if a chemical change has occurred?
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If the mass of all objects before a chemical change is 200kg what would the mass be after the chemical changed occurred?

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Therefore, the mass of all objects after the chemical change would still be 200kg.

How might a thermometer help you decide if there was any chemical change on mixing iron and charcoal?

A thermometer can help you determine if there was a chemical change by measuring any temperature change that occurs during the reaction of iron and charcoal. If there is a noticeable increase or decrease in temperature, it could indicate a chemical reaction took place, as chemical reactions often involve the release or absorption of heat energy.

A substance that undergoes a chemical change is still the same substance after the change?

This statement is false. When a substance undergoes a chemical change, its chemical composition and properties are altered, resulting in the formation of new substances with different properties. This means that the original substance is no longer the same after the chemical change has occurred.

When we place aluminium foil into liquid bromine and find a white solid is that chemical or physical property?

That would be a chemical property, specifically a chemical reaction. The formation of a white solid (aluminum bromide) indicates a chemical change has occurred as the aluminum has reacted with the bromine to form a new substance.

What are 4 indicators that a chemical reactions has occurred?

A chemist would look for a : change in color, smell, temperature, and release of gas todetermine if a chemical reaction had occurred. Ion: An atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons. Ionic: Of, containing, or involving ions. Molecule: The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces. Molecular: Of, relating to, or consisting of molecules. Of or relating to simple or basic structure or form.

Related questions

How would you determine if a chemical change had occurred?

Some characteristics of a chemical change are: - change of smell - change of color - release of gases - change of temperature - formation of a precipitate - change of the aspect - change of pH in solutions - change of viscosity - flames or explosion etc.

If the mass of all objects before a chemical change is 200kg what would the mass be after the chemical changed occurred?

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Therefore, the mass of all objects after the chemical change would still be 200kg.

How would recognize if a chemical change had occurred?

Normally there is some energy change. Heat and/or light may be given off.

How might a thermometer help you decide if there was any chemical change on mixing iron and charcoal?

A thermometer can help you determine if there was a chemical change by measuring any temperature change that occurs during the reaction of iron and charcoal. If there is a noticeable increase or decrease in temperature, it could indicate a chemical reaction took place, as chemical reactions often involve the release or absorption of heat energy.

What is a sign that a chemical change has occurred smoke broken pieces change in shape or change in state?

The production of smoke from something burning would be a sign of a chemical change. Broken pieces, change in shape, or change in state are all physical changes.

What would NOT mean that a chemical change has occurred?

When chemical change has occurred, it means that the object has become something that it will be forever until changed again. For example, when you burn paper, it has become something new, a new substance. That paper has become ashes and will never be paper again.

A substance that undergoes a chemical change is still the same substance after the change?

This statement is false. When a substance undergoes a chemical change, its chemical composition and properties are altered, resulting in the formation of new substances with different properties. This means that the original substance is no longer the same after the chemical change has occurred.

Is a pellet of sodium is sliced in two a physical change or a chemical change?

Physical, because each slice of pellet is still the same chemically: you have merely divided your one sodium block into two blocks of sodium. If it were chemical, some kind of notable chemical difference would have occurred (you would no longer have sodium, but something else).

What kind of physical evidence might be observed what would indicate that chemical reaction occurred?

Some indicators of a chemical reaction are:- change of color- change of odor- release of a gas- change of the temperature- change of the viscosity- formation of a precipitate- change of general appearance- possible explosion- possible chemiluminescence -formation of new compounds

Is the change of identity a physical or chemical property?

If you mean a change in chemical identity, that would be a chemical change.

How would you determine the chemical composition of magnetite?


What would not be evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred in a container?

a perfectly claen container