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a perfectly claen container

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Q: What would not be evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred in a container?
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Related questions

What is the only sure evidence for a chemical reaction?

The only way to be sure a chemical reaction or change has occurred is to test the composition of a sample before and after a change.

There are several types of evidence that suggests a chemical reaction has occurred What always happens?

A new compound is formed

What evidence is there that a chemical reaction has occurred in an automobile?

Yes there is a chemial reaction,when gas is compressed by piston temperature increases so it cathes the fire.

How does a chemical equation show that a chemical reaction has occurred?

A chemical equation shows that chemical reaction has occurred as new substances have been formed from the reagents. A chemical equation has two sides before reaction and after reaction, if there is any change from the before reaction side to the after reaction side, it indicates that a chemical reaction has just occurred.

How can you be sure that at least one chemical change has occurred?

Evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place usually include appearance of a precipitate, change in color, or production of a gas.

What is present after a chemical reaction?

That depends on the chemicals present before the chemical reaction and sometimes the conditions under which the chemical reaction occurred.

What changes gives NO evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place?

Physical changes give no evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place, because no chemical reaction has taken place.

If the chemical properties of the substance have not changed has a chemical reaction occurred?

It depends: just try to relate, try to write a chemical equation for and see if there are byproducts. Most likely, if the same chemical still has its same properties After the reaction, a chemical reaction has not occurred.

A chemical reaction has not occurred if the products have?

The same chemical properties as the reactants.

How does the chemical equation show that a chemical reaction occurred?

When a compound produces.

What evidence is the that chemical reaction Occurred on the surface of the Statue of Liberty?

When a chemical reaction occurs, elements and compounds combine in different ways to make new materials. The elements copper and oxygen have reacted to form a new compound, copper oxide.

Is a soluble aspirin fizzing in water a chemical reaction?

Yes. If there is the appearance of a gas (fizzing), then a chemical reaction has occurred.