

How would you determine the mass of a cup of water?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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You would weigh it on your kitchen scale

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Q: How would you determine the mass of a cup of water?
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Would the mass be the same in a sealed cup of water?

Yes, the mass of the sealed cup of water would remain the same as long as no water is added or removed from the cup. The mass is a measure of the amount of matter in the system, which would not change in a sealed environment.

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use a measuring cup

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A cup of water and a cup of ice would have the same volume and mass because they fill the cup to the same level. However, the cup of ice would have a lower density than the cup of water because ice is less dense than liquid water due to its expanded crystal structure.

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The mass is extremely similar. Also note, different brands of whiskey would also have slightly different mass.

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You need some aluminum, a scale to determine the mass, and a measuring cup halfway filled with water to determine the volume of the piece of aluminum by substracting the volume after and before you drop the piece of aluminum in the water. Then you can calculate the density of the aluminum = mass / volume.

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Since oil will float on top of water, we can assume that the weight (or mass) of water is greater than that of oil.

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The answer will depend on the size of the cup and, therefore, the quantity of water in it!

Which tools or tool would you use to measure nad compare the mass of a cup of fresh water and a cup of salt water?

You can use a scale to measure the mass of both cups of water and then compare the readings. Make sure to tare the scale with an empty cup before measuring each sample. Be cautious with the handling of salt water, as it can corrode certain types of scales.

How could you determine your mass using water a bathtubsomething to measure water with and Archimedes' princilpe?

First, measure the mass of the water in the bathtub using a scale. Next, immerse yourself completely in the water and measure the increase in water level using a measuring cup. This increase in volume of water displaced is equal to your body volume. Finally, apply Archimedes' principle which states that the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the water displaced, to calculate your mass.

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Which tool would yo use to measure the capacity of a container?

You would use a measuring cup or a graduated cylinder to measure the capacity of a container. Fill the container with water and then pour the water into the measuring cup or graduated cylinder to determine its volume.

How much mass is there in a cup of water?

236.58824 grams