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A combination of various factors are used to distinguish biomes, including climate (particularly rainfall and temperature), altitude, soil, and bedrock geology.

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Q: How would you distinguish one biome from another?
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What defines one biome from another?

A biome refers to a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna that occupy a major habitat. The factors that distinguish one biome from another are: geography, the types of vegetation as well as the inhabitants.

Can you travel from one biome to another biome?

Of course! Unless you don't travel or can't travel.

How can atomic numbers be used distinguish one element from another?

they can distinguish one element from another becasue by the protons and the nuetrons , they can over come almost anything.

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By the cell identifier.

Do you believe a cave is a biome?

yes, I do believe that a cave is a biome in which many animals rely and depend upon one another.

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Coniferous forestAnother name for the Taiga Biome would be the Boreal Forest.forest

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i would distinguish whether it was healthy or not based on what is in it or what it's made with

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The topography is one characteristic that best distinguishes one landscape from another.

Is it possible to change one biome to another?

No, it is not possible to change on biome to another.

What is the important of a nation?

During ancient times flags were used to distinguish from one another during times like war. Hence coat of arms. It is still used today during war, the military has their countries flag sewn on their uniforms. It is used in the Olympics to distinguish countries from one another, it is an easy way to distinguish one country from another.

Cells that identify pathogens and distinguish one from another?

Whits blood cells