

How would you get on blocked sites at school?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You can't. When the district blocks it, you can't get on it. Besides, people from the district can see what sites you go onto, and you could get in trouble with them if you go onto inaproppiate sites.

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Q: How would you get on blocked sites at school?
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The websites that are blocked at schools will vary school by school. Remember: these sites are blocked for a reason. If your school wanted you to look at them, they would let you.

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You're not supposed to be playing around at school, which is why the sites are blocked.

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Your school has blocked certain sites - to try to get you to concentrate on your lessons - not use their computers for personal communication which should be done from home ! We in the Wiki community will not help you bypass your school's security protocols !

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You can use a proxy website, like type into google "proxy sites" and use any one not blocked by the school. However, school is a time for learning and education. You should try to find fun within your studies. Also, you can get in A LOT of trouble for using "proxy sites" on your school computer. These sites are blocked for a reason, and most schools track their computers' internet history.

What are music sites not blocked by most Colorado Springs school districts also maybe some game and sites where I can watch anime on?

You shouldn't be going on to sites your school doesn't want you to go on, with the use of their computers. Looking for unblocked sites that your school hasn't blocked yet is a clear signal you didn't read your schools Internet Usage Agreement.

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well i use: BOOKMAX.INFO

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You cannot access social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. on school proxies. They are blocked for a reason.