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Q: How would you grow more facal hair with home remadyes?
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How long would it take you to grow your hair 1 inch?

It takes 3moths for and inch of your hair to grow

Would a hot hair dryer help grow your hair?

No, it wouldn't

How can you grow armpits hair?

why would u even want to grow armpit hair it is disgusting so dont do it

Would hair grow back if it burned off?

Hair grows back one way or another. Skin cells in the head will produce the material which sprouts out as hair. If the scalp was burnt and it was scarred your hair may not grow back though. The hair follicles would have been damaged. But if your hair just got burnt it will grow back.

Why would gnawing on a finger make your hair grow?

Its full of calcium , keratin and other nutrients that are known to make hair grow.

Where on his head would grandpa grow hair but grandma swear she doesnt?

Grandpa would grow hair on his chin, while Grandma might claim she doesn't grow hair on her upper lip (mustache area).

Would your body hair grow back if you burned it?

You would have to burn the skin pretty bad to stop the hair from growing on it, just burning the hair off is same as shaving it it off, it will definitely grow back.

Will your armpit hair grow back if you shave it?

Yes, hair will grow back if shaved off. If it didn't, no one would have a beard or mustache.

Is it a good idea to put in hair extensions if you want to grow your natural hair?

Hair extensions do not make your hair grow. Extensions are applied to your scalp which probably won't help your hair grow. I would probably work with your hair naturally keeping it conditioned not in pony tails, buns, braids all the time and eating the right things to help your hair grow.

How long does your hair grow in six days?

Well your hair grows about half an inch a month so in six days your hair would grow about six sixtieths of an inch.

The long hair on your golden retriever was cut will it grow back?

Yes, of course, it will grow back. It's hair.If I shaved your head would your hair grow back? Yes, Yes it would.