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The process of fusion. The sun makes heat by fusing hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen is the lightest element, and in the process of fusion, the lighter the element being fused, the more energy (heat) is produced.

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Q: How would you make as much heat as the sun produces?
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Which nut produces the most heat when burned?

I would guess a coconut since it is so much bigger than any other nut.

When lying in supine does one produces much urine?

The body produces pretty much the same amount of urine in any position, but the bladder discharges from the bottom. Ergo the supine position would prevent it from emptying fully, logically leading to more frequent but less productive urination.

What is a short circuit and why does it produce fire in the house?

During short circuit the conductor carries very large current per unit area of the conductor. As the current is the flow of electrons so that the flow of electrons per unit area is more. Electrons traveles at lhe velocity of light (i.e.3*10^8 m/s). This much velocity of electrons produces heat very much in that conductor. This heat is very large and cannot controlled by wire insulator and the insulator is burned suddenly.AND Finally fire produces

Suppose a 14 gram sample of iron is heated from 20C to 25C The specific heat of iron is 0.11C How much heat energy was absorbed by the iron?

it depends on the units of the specific heat, but if they are J / goC then you would take your delta T (25-20) and multiply it by your mass (14g) and multiply by your specific heat. In this case it would be 5 * 14 * .11 = 7.7 (with whatever units of energy your specific heat is in.) Just make sure your units cancel out and you will get it right!

How do you draw a simple scientific drawing of a heat proof mat?

just draw a square and make it a bit 3d not too much

Related questions

Which nut produces the most heat when burned?

I would guess a coconut since it is so much bigger than any other nut.

How much money does a corn farmer make?

As much as he/she produces

What produce the sun?

the sun produces light ,heat ,energy,and so much more

Explain How you can feel heat from the sun even though the sun is millions of miles away in space?

The distance in between the Earth and the Sun is 93000000 miles. In space the temperature in the sun is 10 times that on Earth. The sun produces such incredible heat energy that it is able to reach Earth. The heat is much less here than it would be if we were closer to the sun. The sun creates its heat by burning the gasses that make it up.

How much heat produces in newclear reactor?

alot because it is alots of fire so they have a special freezer to put in

How much sweat would have to evaporate per hour to remove the same amount of heat a light bulb produces in an hour?

To remove the same amount of heat as a light bulb in an hour (about 60 watts), approximately 200 ml of sweat would need to evaporate per hour. This calculation is based on the heat of vaporization of sweat and the rate of heat production by a light bulb.

How much heat does a light bulb make?

The electrical term Watts is a measure of heat. It is calculated by multiplying amps times volts, but it is still a measure of heat. A 50w light bulb made for 12 volts produces about the same amount of heat as a 50w light bulb made for 120 volts.

If your body produces too much thyrotropin what would you have?

overactive thyroid gland

Why is wind important in forecasting weather?

wind is very important because it moves moisture and heat around the world and produces much of our weather

How much heat does a 1000 watt theater light produce?

If it is 1000 watts then it produces a 1000 watts. A watt is 1 joule/sec.

How much would it cost to fix the heat shield on your car?

Which heat shield? There are several.

What kind of light bulb gives off the most heat?

Incandescent light bulbs give off the most heat compared to other types of light bulbs because they produce light as a byproduct of heat. This is due to the way they function by passing an electric current through a filament, which heats up and emits light.