

How would you put obscure in a compound sentence?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Bob ate pie outside, and Joe read an obscure textbook from 1502.

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Q: How would you put obscure in a compound sentence?
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How do you put obscure into a sentence?

his job was to obscure locks

How would you put obscure in a sentence?

example of obscure as an adjective: They found an obscure little town in the middle of the country. example of obscure as a verb: The dark clouds obscured the moonlight.

How would you put assure and obscure in a sentence?

I want to assure you that this obscure coin is indeed valuable, because I am an credentialed coin broker and this coin is very rare.

Can you put the word obscure in a sentence?

The story was Obscure. No one knew the real truth.

What is example for a compound sentence?

For instance a compound sentence would be like, "Rosa and I ate at the diner, afterwards we went home." See two sentences put together with the word AND.

How do you write a sentence using compound words?

you can put a compound word into any sentence you want but it has to make sense.(see what i did there)

Can you put compound in a sentence?

I had no insurance so the Police siezed my car and locked it in a compound.

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In a compound sentence do you put a comma before the word because?


What does compound sentence mean?

Two independent clauses put together

How can you put except in a compound sentence?

Here's a compound sentence with the word except: She wanted to go to the Thursday Night Club party, except she had an important final to study for.

What do you need to know in order to find a compound sentence?

A compound sentence ir normally separated by the word "and" or "because", and a comma. If you can break the sentence in to 2 different parts and they are both complete sentences (meaning they both have a subject and an action) then it is a compound sentence. To put it more simply, a compound sentence is 2 complete sentences combined in to one whole sentence, separated by a comma.