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ir y estar con mis amigos

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Q: How would you say go hangout out with my friends in spanish?
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How do you say with my friends in spanish?

"With my friends" in Spanish would be "Con mis amigos", or "Con mis amigas", if ALL the friends are female.

How do you say my best friend in spanish?

Mis mejores amigos would be the best way to say "my best friends" in Spanish.

How do you say which friends in spanish?

To say, "Which friends?" you say, -¿Cuáles amigos?

How do you say you have no friends?

I have no friends in Spanish is ; No tengo amigos.

How do you say I have many friends in spanish?

You can say "tengo muchos amigos". This term would include all friends, amle and female. If you said "tengo muchas amigas", it would only apply to female friends.

How do you say I have spanish friends?

You do not specify a language so here goes:- "I have Spanish friends" - That is how you say it in English. And in Spanish: '(Yo) tengo amigos espanoles'

How do you say to hangout with friends in spanish?

¿Quieres salir conmigo? Pronounced kee-eh-res eer-se co-ne mee-goe

How do you ask a girl out but not mess up our friendship?

If you want to stay friends, just say, " Hangout" and not, " Go out" These days, they have a huge difference

What you say friends in spanish?


How do you say girls who are friends in spanish?

Girl who are friends are amigas in spanish. Further boys are amigos

How do you say I hope we become best friends in spanish?

You would say: "Espero que nos ponemos amigos mejores"

How do you you say my friends car in spanish?

"My friends automobile" is "El automovil de mi amigo" in Spanish.