

How would you say speaking in french?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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v. parler en francais

eg. Je parle en francais.

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I am assuming you want to say "Yes, I am speaking French" in French. In that case, it would be: Oui, je parle français.

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It's the same as the English only the pronunciation would be different when speaking in French.

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No, it's not correct. You shall say: It's French speaking. For example, you can say: Quebec, it's a French speaking area/region/province.

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You can say "Je parle" which means "I am speaking" in French.

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Assuming that you meant "how do you say 'you were born' in French?", you would have to use the French verb naître. Naître means "to be born". You also have to put it in the passé composé. If you are speaking about a male, you would say... Tu es né. If you are speaking about a female, you would say... Tu es née. However, if you are speaking to more than one person, or in the formal tense, you would say... Vous êtes né/née/nés/nées, depending on the quantity and gender of the subject.

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Speaking and writing French would be an advantage in working with any French speaking country, or with cooking.

How do you say im speaking French in French?

"Je parle français."

How do you say im speaking in French in French?

Je parle en français.