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silver chloride is soluble in ammonia,

lead chloride is only slightly soluble in ammonia

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Q: How would you separate lead chloride from mixture of lead chloride and silver chloride?
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Predict what would be observed and why from an aqueous mixture for zinc chloride and silver nitrate?

An aqueous mixture of zinc chloride and silver nitrate would be insoluble silver chloride. Water and oxides of nitrogen will also be produced during the reaction.

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If you are refering to a mixture of aluminium chloride and aluminium, you can possibly heat up the mixture. Aluminium chloride will sublime (solid to gas) at about 180 degress celcius and the solid that remains would be aluminium.

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by adding hot water

Would it be possible to separate the mixture of iron and silver by heating it?

Iron can be separated with a magnet.

How would you separate sodium chloride from water?

Because barium sulfate is is insoluble in water the separation is possible by filtration.

How would you separate NaCl from SiO2?

1. Put the mixture in water and stir. 2. Sodium chloride is dissolved, silicon dioxide not. 3. Filter the mixture. 4. Sodium chloride passes in the solution. 5. Evaporate the water.

What is the compound name AgCl?

The correct name for AgCl is silver chloride. Its IUPAC name is chlorosilver. Other names for silver chloride are cerargyrite, chlorargyrite, and horn silver.

Is soup a compound or a mixture?

Soup is a mixture, because you can physically separate its components. For example, in a vegetable soup, you can use a strainer to separate potatoes, barley, carrots and other vegetables from the liquid component of the soup. Table salt (NaCl) would be a compound, because you can't just physically separate the sodium from the chloride, you would have to use a chemical process.

What would be the best method to separate these substances Given a homogeneous liquid mixture of sodium chloride (salt) and water?

Heating the solution water is deleted by evaporation.

Aqueous sodium chloride aqueous silver nitrate?

Silver chloride, which is very insoluble, would precipitate out of the solution

Process would be most appropriate to separate a mixture?

The process that would be most appropriate to separate a mixture is filtration. This only applies if the mixture is composed of a solid and a liquid.