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You got your terminology mixed up. Under normal temperature and pressure oxygen is a gas. * if you are testing an unknown substance put a glowing splint.

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Q: How would you test a gas to prove it was oxygen?
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What test can prove that pond weed produces oxygen gas?

Bubble measurement is a test which can prove that pond weed produces oxygen gas. Pond weed releases oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis. The experimenter will find the outward-moving bubbles containing oxygen with which to oxygenate the plant in question's surrounding water.

Which gas is in the bubbles. how can you prove this?

Carbon Dioxide. You can prove it by collecting some of the gas in a test tube (the gas is heavier than air). Drop a lighted splint into the test tube, and the flame will be extinguished.

How can you test a gas to find out if it's oxygen?

Hydrogen test - commonly know as the pop test Basically you collect the gas in a test tube. Light a splint on fire and put it in the test tube with the gas, if you hear a "pop" sound and the splint goes out then the gas should be Hydrogen Oxygen test Collect the gas in a test tube, light a splint, but blow it out so that it is glowing. Then put it in the test tube with the gas, if the splint relights then the gas should be oxygen Hope that helps :)

If you collected the gas produced by the photosynthesizing leaves how would you check if it contained oxygen?

The test for oxygen is to insert a glowing splint into a test tube and see if it glows brighter or re-ignites.

How can you prove plant release oxygen?

The easiest way is to use an aquatic plant (one that grows underwater). In sunlight this will release bubbles - collect the bubbles in an upturned (water filled) jar placed over the plant. Once you have collected the gas use the oxygen test (relight a smoldering taper) on the gas to see if it is oxygen.

What is the test for hydrogen gas?

if a burning splint is brought into contact with hydrogen gas a squeaky pop sound will be produced this would prove that hydrogen is present as hydrogen is extremely flamable.

Describe what happens in a positive test for oxygen gas?

You need to try and relight a glowing splint. If it does relight, then there is oxygen gas.

Sodium is readily oxidized by oxygen gas if the product of the reaction were dissolved in water what would be the color the litmus for a litmus test?

Sodium is readily oxidized by oxygen gas. If the product of the reaction were dissolved in water, the color of the litmus for a litmus test would be blue. The red litmus paper will turn blue.

What happens in a positive test for oxygen gas?

A glowing splint will burst into flame/smoke in pure oxygen (using a test tube).

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