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Find plants that are the same type and size. Plant them in identical pots with matching soil if not already in suitable pots. Place some in direct sunlight, some in an area that gets sunlight part of the day, and some in a dark place.

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Q: How would you test how sunlight affects the growth of plants?
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Does little water more sunlight speeds up the growth of tropical plants?

I would not think so but yet i have not tried or seen it.

What affect would placing a plant box have on its growth?

If the box did not let in light then the plant would die because plants need Sunlight to make their food.

What would have an effect on plants growth other than water soil or sunlight?

well... ima guess... carbon dioxide

Do plants grow in sunlight or artificai light?

Of course the plants are needing it.Because without sunlight they would die.

If you blew on a plant a long time would it grow at a faster pace?

No. Plants grow faster with more sunlight and more nutrients. The wind does not affect their growth.

Does sunlight affect the growth of plants?

Yes. Sunlight is a necessity for plants to perform photosynthesis which is how they make food (glucose). This glucose is needed for the plant so survive and more is needed to help the plant grow. Without the solar energy from the sun plants can't live or grow. Also, if a plant does not receive enough sunlight, it will not grow as much as it would otherwise. However, too much sunlight can also harm plants. It depends on the particular plant as to how much sunlight is needed.

What would happen to a plant if it would not receive even a faint of sunlight for a long duration?

The plants will die because the plants need a sunlight to grow...

How will water plants be affected if the pond becomes murky?

The plants would most certainly die; if the water was murky it would block out sunlight, and if the sunlight was blocked out, then the plants would have no source to make food.

How does sunlight aid in survival?

will different plants need different amount of sunlight . they need sunlight for photosynthesis that's how they make their own food. without sunlight,there would be no photosynthesis and plants.

Why is the sun important for food and plants?

Well, different plants need different amounts of sunlight. They need sunlight for photosynthesis, that's how they make their own food. Without sunlight, there would be no photosynthesis, and plants would not survive.

What is the difference between the independent and dependent variables in the experiment?

Dependent variable is your data, independent variable is what you are testing. Ex. Sunlight would be the independent variable and a plants growth would be the dependent variable.

What limits growth in desert?

Most plants don't do well in dry soil. And some deserts have a lack of rain, but plenty of sunlight. Some plants that dont do well without rain would not survive in a dry desert.