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One will awaken naturally. Situations such as being trapped in a dream, dreaming of being a dream and being unable to wake up through successive layers of dreams only occur in science and fantasy fiction.

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Q: How would you wake up in a dream when you're still dreaming of waking up in that dream's dream?
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What does it mean when your dreaming and the dream ends but your still sleeping?

People always dream while they are sleeping whether the dreams are remembered or not, and it is perfectly normal to go on sleeping after a dream ends. Dreams can be remembered more easily when one awakens at the end of the dream, but one dreams at intervals through every sleep period. Even if you are not dreaming, you are still resting. The body needs rest.

How can you dream about Emma Watson and tell her how much you love her so very much not because she is famous?

It is kinda hard to control your dreams but find yourself between waking up and still dreaming and try to control it from there.

What is the scientific name of the psychological proces where you can train your brain to be aware that you are dreaming while dreaming?

The scientific term for the ability to be aware that you are dreaming while still in a dream is called "lucid dreaming." It involves a state of consciousness where individuals have awareness and control over their dreams.

How tall is the dream?

Dreams can be big. ... Also dreaming is big because some times when people wake up from a dream they still fell like there still in the dream.There are also dreams you have when you walk, talk and sometimes even punch or kick.

What does it mean when you have a dream where you can't talk and when you try to talk its like your teeth are glued shut i always have those dreams and end up screaming out loud when I wake up.?

This dreams clearly symbolizes communication issues you have in your waking life because in this dream you were unable to talk. You had tried, but still were unsucessful. You feel that in your waking life it is hard for you to talk with people.

How can i have a dream that i want....?

Unfortunately, If you are asking about dreams that occur while you are sleeping, the answer is that you cannot have the dream that you want. Dreams that occur during sleep are involuntary. Their content and images are produced by your subconscious mind without conscious (voluntary) control. Some individuals are able to "incubate" a dream, in the sense of focusing on a particular subject before falling asleep. But even if that person succeeds in dreaming of the chosen subject, they do not have control over how that matter appears in the dream. Another method of trying to control dreams is "lucid dreaming," meaning becoming aware of dreaming while still asleep. There is great variation in the amount of control different individuals achieve in lucid dreams.

What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream?

That you have a whole lot of dreams. Dreams don't actually mean much. It's like recordings of things that you've seen or done or heard or said which your mind is then trying to categorize or evaluate.

What does it mean when you dream your ex who you still have feelings for has a new girlfriend?

It doesn't mean anything, dreams are random. But theres a posibility that you still have feeling for him. Wow, you answered it youself. One of the functions of dreams to help sort out our feelings. You may have these dreams in response to something someone said or something you saw. It doesn't mean you are still "dreaming about" him. The dreams are a reminder to you that you still haven't resolved your feelings for him.

Is it possible to know you're in a dream?

it means you're very smart because if you Dream while you know your in it, it's a proven fact because the brain still works when you're asleep but the rest of the body doesn't, or you get many dreams that you're so used to it you kind of feel like you're in your imagination... The phenomenon of realizing you are in a dream while dreaming is called "lucid dreaming." It does not "mean" anything in particular, other than the conscious mind has become active during the dream without fully awakening.

How can you wake up in your own dream?

It is not possible to "wake up" in a dream. When one awakens from a dream, one is no longer asleep, and no longer dreaming. Some individuals are able to become aware that one is dreaming while still in the process of dreaming, which is called "lucid dreaming."

Hallucinations that occur just upon waking?

Hallucination that occur just upon waking are a type of dream, indicating that different areas of your mind are awakening at different rates. The dreaming function of your mind essentially still asleep while other areas of your mind are becoming aware of your surroundings.

Does everyone dream while they're sleeping?

Everyone dreams while they are sleeping but not everybody remembers it, so if people tell you they don't have dreams, they are i not mistaken........ i kno i not dreamYes, but not everyone remembers them when they wake up.It is possible to have REM sleep with no dreaming. I just had a sleep study, and it was confirmed that I was not dreaming during the REM phase of sleep. According to the technician, in order to remember a dream, one must wake up during or just after the dream. Otherwise it is not remembered. However, it is wrong to assume that everyone dreams and just do not remember the dreams. Some people do not dream very often.Humans dream every 1/2 hour and seldom remember most of them and that's because they are in total REM sleep (meaning a deep sleep with eyes moving back and forth under closed eyelids.) When a person is stressed out they are not in total REM sleep (tossing/turning) and it's the last few seconds just before waking that an individual can remember a dream or nightmares. Nightmares are caused from stress. If a human didn't dream they actually would go crazy. Dreaming releases tension in the body and mind.Yes, everyone does dream. Normally, people don't remember their dreams. When you decide you want to sleep, you fall into a daydream, that is where you dream a nightmare or a more pleasant dream. You then fall into a deep sleep, this is where most people forget their dreams.Yes, everyone of every age dreams at night. Dreams often occur in the rem stage of sleep, which is often the last 15-30 minutes of the sleep cycle, Even though one may not recall or remember what they were dreaming about, the brain is still working and dreams still occur.Everyone does not dream every night. I sleep, but only few nights I dream. Thank God that I remember everything! and some dreams too when I see dreams. We do not see dreams every night because "Dreams are not the things we see while we are sleeping, It is a thing that does not let us sleep". You would have observed that when you do not see dream, when you wake-up you are Fresh! but when you dream, you feel like sleeping again and feel lazy. Its just that "We do not dream every time we sleep"