

How would you write the sound that a light saber makes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How would you write the sound that a light saber makes?
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Who would win Yoda or Darth Vader in a light saber battle?

Yoda would win.

What happens if you held a light saber under water?

yes it would go out because it's made of laser and light.

Can a light saber be made?

you can make count dooku and yoda and mace windu and maris brood. p.s. the tonfa handle/maris broods lightsaber dosent work because you cant activate the light saber, unless you put the handle on backwards. trust me, i do it all the time

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The word "clang" is often used to describe the sound a bell makes when struck.

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A female saber-tooth tiger would be called a sabress.And a male saber-tooth tiger would be called a saber.

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Ho do you make a light saber?

You can't make a light saber out of light, because then it would be a laser that goes on forever. You have to use ceramics to make a tube that plasma can be pushed out of, for a power source it is ideal to use carbon nanotubes to make a battery, and you would need a small fan at the bottom to push air up to feed the plasma; you would also need to generate a magnetic to contain the plasma. You can find out more by watching "Sci-fi Science" episode 8"How to build a light saber" hosted by Michio Kaku on the Science Channel

How do you say lightsabre in french?

A direct translation would be "a saber of light," which is "un sabre de lumière." However, since "saber" means "sword," and a lightsaber is more of a laser than a sword, "un laser de lumière" would also work.

Can light waves carry sound?

By modulating the light you can send signals, they would need to be electronically translated to be heard as sound.

Is a light saber hot after you shut it off?

Most likely it would be since it is being used and can cut through metal easily.

Who would win a fight between Harry Potter and Dark Vada?

well Harry Potter has the advantage of the expelliarmus spell...but Darth vadar has a light saber (doesn't a light saber make whatever it touches disappear or something?) i guess if harry was scared he could just disapparate.

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the bigger an instrument is, the lower the sound that it makes