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I can only answer this question with more questions. You have to answer them honestly. I'll put down the answer you should answer, but if you're changing your answers to fit it and making excuses for yourself, that's pretty lame. That's just you trying to convince yourself you love her but you don't. They are definitely things to ponder on.

Do you have "backups" in your head, like, "I could like A, or B, or C, but probably A."? (no)

Would you trust her to raise your children? (yes) (you should answer yes even if you're not thinking of marriage yet)

Is this the person you would want to get married to, and would you stick with her for life no matter what problem came your way? (yes) (again, your answer should be yes even if you're not ready for marriage yet)

Would you always do what's best for her, not for yourself? (yes)

Would you be firm about abstaining from sex before marriage, even if she wants sex with you? It's what's best for her. (yes)

Do you often feel that you want to touch her in places that would be less than honorable to touch? (no)

Is she interested in having sex with you before marriage or touching you in places she shouldn't? If so, she doesn't truly love you. (no)

Would you respect her wishes about refraining from touching her? In other words, if she is strict on such matters, could you control yourself? (yes)

Would you be willing ot be strict about those matters even if she isn't? (yes)

Do you respect her friends, and do they act honorably? They have a large impact on her attitude. (yes)

Do you respect her family and their wishes? Would you obey their rules about dating? (yes)

If her family had a rule of dating at a higher age than she is at the present time, would you be willing to wait until she is old enough and control your feelings about other girls? (yes)

Would you love this person if she were extremely ugly? (yes)

Do you prefer her over other girls because she's pretty/popular/funny/talented instead of loving her virtues and good qualities? (no)

Would you still love this person if you were blind? Reallt think about this one. (yes)

Would your parents approve of the way she acts with and without you? (yes)

Would you approve of the way she acts with and without you? (yes)

Would her parents approve of the way you act with and without her? (yes)

Would you be able to trust her around other guys? (yes)

Would you be jealous if she already loved someone else? (no, you should want what's best for her, not you)

Would you mind if she wore clothes that were unfashionable? (no)

Do you find that your religious, or atleast moral values, are similar? If they aren't, it may cause spats later. (yes)

Would you be willing to die for her? (yes)

If you find that you have answered some of these questions with the wrong response, you can always think very hard on them in some instances and try hard to change your opinion. For example, "Would you be firm about abstaining from sex before marriage, even if she wants sex with you? It's what's best for her." If you answered, "No, I would love to have sex with her before marriage," then you can ponder why the answer should be yes. Why is this best for both you and her. If you find that, "Ok, yea, maybe it would be better for me not to hurt her in that way, and it could cause problems even to ask her," then you're on the right track. Keep working on thinking in terms of what's best for her, not what you (or she) wants.

However, other answers, like, "Do you respect her friends, and do they act honorably? They have a large impact on her attitude." should always be answered with the correct answer. In this instance it's because if you don't already respect her friends, it's a good sign that something's wrong on their end. You shouldn't change your opinion of somebody to something that's wrong. This only creates more problems. Figure out the ones that you already have.

If you really do spend all that time on your girl figuring things out and thinking if she's the right one for you, it's a good sign that you respect both her and yourself. Keep it up, and don't settle on a girl that isn't worth your time.

If this girl is all you can think about and the time that you are not with her is just unbearable, then you are in love with her and you'll stop asking yourself, "am i ian love with her?" you'll know that you are in love

when you cant see yourself with nobody else but her!!!!

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15y ago

Hahaaa, you know if your obsessed if your taking the time to write this question. "you answer silly questions on"

---- Print it and film it. That's your first commercial wiki... and I'll barely even charge you to appear in it.

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15y ago

the fact of the matter is - if you don't know.. then chances are that you don't love her... YET.

you will know whether or not you love your girlfriend when you feel there is no other way to express verbally [besides i love you] how much you care for her. I knew that i loved my boyfriend when i just couldn't NOT say those three words. i love you. once you have the courage to say those three words.. then you know it for sure. the fact of the matter is - if you don't know.. then chances are that you don't love her... YET.

you will know whether or not you love your girlfriend when you feel there is no other way to express verbally [besides i love you] how much you care for her. I knew that i loved my boyfriend when i just couldn't NOT say those three words. i love you. once you have the courage to say those three words.. then you know it for sure.

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13y ago

ok....well when a girl is in love with a guy she will not be able to stop smiling when he is around. Also she will laugh at everything he says (if its a joke) or if he just does somthing funny but be carful not all girls are like that maybe she just likes him as a good friend but dont worry there is lots of other ways to know, for example if the boy gets some of his friends to keep an eye on her than they might catch her smiling for no reason at him. She may touch you slightly on the arm meaning that she fine with you touching her and that she likes you....also she might start to sit close to you and ask you loads of questions but you must watch closley cuz lots of girls might be scared of his reaction so she might try to keep her distance. So technically there are many ways but these are the most common but remember that ALL girls are different NEVER judge a girl by her cover cuz there is always a little seceret inside. SO good luck and if none of these work just ask the girl !!

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12y ago

You know that you love that person when you think, live, and breathe that person. Every time you look into their eyes or hear their name, your heart skips a beat. You get butterflies when you see them. You always want to hold them tight and never let them go. If something happened to them, like maybe they lost an arm. You would look at them the same no matter what. You would die for them, If that's what it took. That is the only person that has the ability to make you the happiest, but also shoot you down to nothing. That is how you know if you love someone. :) Hope I helped.

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15y ago

Do you really need to ask that? I mean do you want to b around her all the time? Do you smile when she walks by you? Would you do anything for her? Do you always want to kiss/hold/snuggle with her? I think u get it! Does that answer your question?

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15y ago

you can tell if when your with her your heart skips a beat and you might evensometimes get nervous

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12y ago

you make sure that you guys have fun together and can open up to each other ans see if different girls have better personal qualities. its not supposed to matter what they look like.

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12y ago

You can tell if you get aroused by being around her. Also you can tell if out of random circumstances you start thinking about her.

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Tell her you love her. Trust me, I'm a girl, I know. Girls love that. And then ask her out on a date. They love that too.

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If the girl says "I love you" then she loves you.. If she already said "I love you" then you know that she really does love you if she tries to talk to you daily... (via text, call, email, in person)

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Just ask the girl whether or not she likes you.