

How you know if your cold sores are acting up?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Usually you would get symptoms like itching, burning and or tingling symptoms occuring around your lips.

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Q: How you know if your cold sores are acting up?
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Can toothpaste heal cold sores?

no but it can speed it up

Can you use sodium perborate compound for cold sores?

This is antiseptic treatment, it can be use to help heal the sores. Because cold sores are caused by a virus, an antiviral medication or cream / medication should be used with the medication to help speed up the healing process.

What is difference between cold sores and canker sores?

Sorry hun they are the same thing. The name cold sore is supposed to lessen the stigma of having oral herpes. The good thing is they are nothing bad to have, they don't do any thing else besides cause an annoying sore / blisters, they are also very common to have. FYI they can be passed to the mouth with out ever having any thing to do with sex. When they break out it's often a sign that you're run down, have been out in the sun or cold weather fot too long, or stressed out by some thing.

Do you get cold soers from staying up late?

If you have been going to sleep late, you get cold sores when you then go to sleep at an earlier time.

How long do it take for a cold sore to go away?

A cold sore can last up to 2 weeks. If you treat them when they are just erupting, you may reduce their severity and duration. Although cold sores are caused by viruses, using topical antiseptics may reduce the incidence of other, secondary infections in the open skin.

Why are locks acting up and car won't start?

too cold!

Drying a cold sore?

There are several ways that a cold sore may dry up quicker. See the related link for information on this.

Can sensodyne tooth paste help get rid of cold sores?

Tooth paste doesn't really do any thing for cold sores, it doesn't have any antiviral properties which helps heal cold sores. The tooth paste may help sooth the symptoms, but it may take a while for the cold sore to go away. The best way to clear up a cold sore is to use Abreva or over the counter cold sore cream.

Cold sore or canker sore?

To me, both are pretty bad, but a canker sore is always worst! Cold sores can hurt sometimes and are a pain to have on the lip, especially because of it being un-comftorable! Canker sores hurt very bad, I would know, as I get them a lot! They sting in your mouth and it's hard to eat things and especially the pain they inflict on people who have them when they get up in the morning!

You bought a new toothbrush and two days later cold sores popped up on your mouth is this just a coincidence or could it be due to the toothbrush?

it might be to the toothbrush but it might not so when the cold sores go brush your teeth with the same toothbrush if they come back its because of the toothbrush.

What causes a cold sore on the eye?

i have had a cold sore in my eye since i were 2 years it comes up every now and again . i do regualy take cold sore tablets from the doctor to get rid of it.. so i say yes you can get cold sores in your eyes .

Can bananas cause tongue sores?

Yes they can. Bananas and pineapples are well known to cause canker sores in some people.