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Q: How young can you spay a guinea pig?
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Is it ok to have a boy guinea pig and a girl guinea pig be in the same cage?

It depends. They certainly wont be aggresive, but if you do, make sure to spay and nueter them.

Will a young guinea pig and an old guinea pig get alone?

yes. I had a 2 year old guinea pig and a 6 month old and the were great together.

Do guinea pig mothers eat their young?

no, g pig moms don't eat there young

What about Guinea pig and young children?

The children should be nice to the guinea pig and make sure you ask if it is known for biting

Does a young guinea pig learn faster than an older guinea pig?

Yes, they do learn faster than the older ones.

How young can a male guinea pig mate?

10 weeks

Can an old guinea pig live with a young one?


Can a month old young guinea pig transfer to its father's cage?

This isn't a very good idea. A young guinea pig will still have the scent of its mother, so there's every chance the father will try to breed with it, or even fight with it. It's better to put a young guinea pig in a separate cage completely.

What is a guinea pig in French?

A guinea pig is 'un cochon d'Inde' in French.

How a Guinea Pig takes care of its young one?

a mother guinea pig feeds her young milk she shows them how to find food and water (the water bottle and food bowl) and she shows them how to tell if there is a threat.

Why are guinae pigs guinae pigs?

Well, first of all, guana is the abbreviation of Guiana Island. Now you know what guana means. Second, a pig is a young swine that is not mature for it's age. So a guana pig is a pig that is from Guiana Island. Unless you mean guinea pig. A guinea pig means a small stout-bodied short-eared tailless domesticated rodent often kept as a pet.

Can male guinea pigs be castrated?

You dont have to, unless you are keeping it with the opposite sex.