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Up to 73-78 million sharks are killed each year.

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Q: Howe many sharks are killed each year?
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3 sharks, die , on average, every second

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How many sharks are killed from killer whales each year?

ten thousand and 376 whale sharks

How many humans killed per year?

Over 400,000 shark been killed by humans each year now sharks are endangered species

How many people are attack by sharks a year?

Not very many people get killed each year but are sometimes left incredibly injured and it is not found that more than a thousand sharks kill humans each year!

How many sharks are killed per year for shark fin soup?

from 1 million to 100million sharks are killed eatch year from commercial fishing.

How many sharks are killed every year by people?

I believe about 20,000 are killed every year

How the shark affects people?

many people kill shaks for there leathery skin and fins for shark fin soup, a popular food in china for weddings. About one hundred million sharks are killed each year and six people are killedd each year by sharks. People are terrified of sharks, but it should really be the other way around.

How many people in history have been killed by sharks?

Non, there are no such things as "pepll".

Which disease killed many Aboriginals from British Settlement?

Cholera killed early settlers in large numbers.

How many sharks are dead from humans?

Sharks kill an average of about 4 people each year.

How meny lemon sharks got killed?

you spelled the question wrong its many not "meny"