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Which theory states that Homo sapiens began in a single geographical area and spread out from there

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Candido Kohler

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2y ago
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Human beings as we know them have existed for about 200,000 years.

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Q: Human beings as we know them have existed for about years.?
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Human beings as we know them have existed for about what years?

Which theory states that Homo sapiens began in a single geographical area and spread out from there

What Human beings are?

human beings are mammals that were evolved from something but we do not know what

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They might, they might not. They don't exist, so we don't know whether they affect human beings, and, if they do, how they affect human beings.

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We are multicellular

Human being as you know them have existed for about how many years?

10 million years since our first ancestors and about 250 thousand years for man as you know. 1000 years since we have started to eat our planet to waste.

What is the earliest prehistoric period fictionally but plausibly where humanity as you know it could have existed?

True humans have existed for 60,000 to 80,000 years. People who appeared fully human (but without all human behaviors) have been around for at least 200,000 years. Before that almost humans have here for about 500,000 years.

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The age can tell you if your age sprout has gone. For human beings, if you are more than 22 years than your growth sprout is done.

Is homo-sapiens the Latin name for human beings?

As far as i know, i dont think it is the latin name but it is one of the "spieces" of early human beings that were on this earthbefore us. AKA "lucy" that was found was a early human being

Why are people for gay rights?

Because they know that all human beings deserve rights.

What are they otherwise know as homo sapiens?

Homo sapiens is the binomial name for human beings.

Who invited grape juice?

No one could possibly know the answer to this question since human beings have been crushing grapes to make juice and wine for thousands of years... maybe longer.

Are one fifth of all human beings chinese?

Happy counting with your fingers and let me know the answer.