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A human characteristic is something made by humans. For example, cities, buildings, houses. An example of a human characteristic in Florida would be Miami, or any other city in Florida. Also, Walt Disney World is an example.

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1y ago
i need more examples, u gave me onely 2 examples...
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i think it was veryhelpful
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14y ago

The state of Florida is a peninsula shaped like a downward pointed gun separated by the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

The weather is hot, humid, sunny, dry, wet, temperate and windy.

There are low lying swampland, citrus and cattle farmland mixed with rolling hills.

The southern tip is a island chain called The Keys.

There is a water bay area near Tampa.

Lakes and ponds are everywhere mostly connected by canals and waterways.

There are numerous beaches.

Hurricanes from the tropical regions during the summer may create wind and flood conditions.

Tourism is a major industry with several theme parks, ports for cruise ships and NASA.

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