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I think its the brain using the spinal cord

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10y ago

Human skeletal muscle cells are signaled to contract by the brain.

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Q: Human skeletal muscle cells are signaled to contract by what?
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Which muscle type is voluntary in action?

The skeletal muscle is the only type of muscle which is voluntary.

What types of muscles are found in human?

skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle

What is the most powerful skeletal muscle?

The diaphragm, it is the main muscle used for breathing.

What type of muscle are the biceps?

Skeletal - Skeletal muscle is the muscle that is attached to the skeleton across joints. It is under voluntary control as we decide when to contract them and produce movement. Skeletal muscle is arranged in rows of fibres and is also called striated, or striped, due to its appearance. The co-ordinated contractions of skeletal muscles allow us to move smoothly and produce sports skills. There are over 700 skeletal muscles in the human body and they make up around 40% of our bodyweight. Skeletal muscle is responsible for the following functions:-Producing movement-Maintaining body posture-Generating heat to keep us warm-Storage of glycogen for energy

How would you use skeletal muscle in a sentence?

under the control of human

What type of muscles are striation found in?

The alternating A and I bands on the miofibrils.

How many types of muscle does the human body have?

3; cardiac, smooth and skeletal

Which cell in human body contract and relax?

Muscle cells

What muscle fiber type typically constitutes the largest percentage of the total muscle fibers in most human muscles?

Skeletal muscles are the largest percentage of total muscle fibers in the human body.

What are not muscle tissues found in humans?

Human muscle tissues are either skeletal, smooth, or cardiac. Each has unique properties. Skeletal muscle is used to move you around, breathe, etc. Smooth muscle is found in blood vessels, and cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.

Do muscle cells work together to allow movement?

Muscle cells contract and relax in response to nerve impulses, causing movement. The human body has three types of muscle cells. Skeletal muscle cells control movement of bones, such as our arms and legs.

Which type of muscle tissue is responsible for voluntary movement?

Skeletal Muscle tissue is the only tissue that responds to voluntary movement. Smooth and Cardiac muscle tissue are controlled by the central nervous system.