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Hurricanes actually last longer than other types of storm. While most storms last for minutes or hours a hurricane lasts for days or weeks.

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Q: Hurricane do not last as long as other storm?
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For how long will Hurricane Sandy last?

She was downgraded to a sub-tropical cyclone about an hour after landfall. Now she's just a nasty storm.

Is the eye o the hurricane where the hurricane start?

No, the eye of a hurricane is the calm center of the storm, with clear skies and low winds. The hurricane actually begins as a cluster of thunderstorms that organizes into a tropical depression, eventually growing into a hurricane as it gains strength over warm ocean waters.

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Why was there a storm surge for hurricane sandy?

Hurricane Sandy produced a storm surge for the same reason that all other landfalling hurricanes do. The large area of strong winds from a hurricane essentially pushes the seawater onto land. Although other hurricanes have had far stronger winds than Sandy, that storm's extremely large wind field produced a high storm surge, which was made even worse as it was funnel up Long Island Sound.

How long has it been since the hurricane before hurricane Irene?

The last Atlantic hurricane before Irene was Tomas, which lasted from October 29 to November 7, 2010, or about little less than 9 months before Irene formed The last storm to be called a hurricane before Irene was Hurricane Greg in the eastern Pacific which lasted August 16-21, 2011, dissipating a day after Irene formed. Unlike Tomas, Greg was never a major news item because the storm nnever threatened land.

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The hurricane Irene lasted for 9 days.

Did the US have a hurricane in 2010?

Yes. Hurricane Earl produced hurricane conditions in parts of North Carolina and tropical storm conditions in Cape Cod and Long Island.

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How long does a storm surge last?

can last a day

How long did hurricane Andrew last in Miami on August 24 1992?

Hurricane Andrew affected Miami on August 24, 1992, for several hours as it made landfall in South Florida, leading to devastating impact in the region. The specific duration of the hurricane's impact on Miami on that date can vary depending on the intensity and speed of the storm.